Wufeng Chen,Jianfeng Li,Chunming Cui.Rare-Earth-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation and Dehydrogenative Coupling of Hydrosilanes.
Synlett, 2020.
Zhaocai Liu,Jianying Zhang,Hao Yang, and Chunming Cui.Synthesis of Boryl-Substituted Disilane, Disilene, and Silyl Cation.
Organometallics 2020.
Miao Tian, Jianying Zhang, Hao Yang, and Chunming Cui.Isolation of a 1‑Magnesium-2,3-disilacyclopropene and a Related Bis(disilenide).
Wufeng Chen, Haibin Song,Jianfeng Li, and Chunming Cui.Catalytic Selective Dihydrosilylation of Internal Alkynes Enabled by Rare-Earth Ate Complex.